Ultrasound Video

April 8, 2004

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September 8, 2004

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Ultrasound Pictures

February 11, 2004

The baby's outline is vaguely visible at center.  He is only one month old at this point.


March 11, 2004

The baby's form is becoming visible.  The round shape at right is his head; the bright parallel lines at center are his forearms; the fainter parallel lines at left are his leg bones.


April 8, 2004

Baby is facing us, hand to mouth.  His legs are drawn up around his hips


Side view.  Baby has his hand to his mouth


Another front view


September 8, 2004

We had another ultrasound because the doctor was concerned the baby is getting a little big.  Right now he is about 8 1/2 lbs, with the due date still a week away.  We also got 100% confirmation that it is a boy!  Click on these thumbnails to see larger images.

Above, looking at the baby's face.  The small bright patch near the upper middle is his nose, the larger bright patch touching it to the left is his right cheek.  The baby is looking almost directly at you.


Above, a view slightly to the side.  His hand is visible in the middle of the dark area at the top.


Another view of Baby's face.